A beautiful, superb road, which opens up all the possibilities, all the new experiences, all the research, all the battles and even, or especially, those which seem lost in advance. The road of those who never back down, who never compromise, who refuse to compromise.

What type of road was chosen by the subject in life path 5?

Adventure is for fools, it's for wolves, as the song from the film Borsalino says.

Adventure, a touch of madness, a zest of rebellion, a hint or a large glassful of irreverence sometimes tinged with insolence and provocation, this is what pleases the daring who dare to take this original and whimsical route, sometimes with their heart and soul, these daring people to whom fortune smiles, a fortune, a chance which on occasion can be capricious and unfaithful.

"Audaces fortuna juvat'. Up to a point.

Beware of the backlash, which can be harsh, as the 5 learn the hard way that they should not

pull too hard on the rope.

But a beautiful, superb road, which opens up all the possibilities, all the new experiences, all the research, all the battles and even, or especially, those which seem lost in advance. The road of those who never back down, who never compromise, who refuse to compromise.

"It's much more beautiful when it's useless", said Cyrano de Bergerac, at the end of his life, who had no regrets about his sometimes extravagant and dangerous choices, which had finally led him to misery and death, "assassinated from behind, by lackeys, with a blow from a log", freedom and fierce honesty to an ideal are all too often at this price, that of the ultimate sacrifice.

How sympathetic they are, these trailblazers, these pathfinders, how they make the timid, the shy, the cold-hearted who will never admit it envy them.

The path of life 5, the path of the seekers, the adventurers, the heroes sometimes, a path that will always go off the beaten and monotonous track.

"Let us seek as those who find seek and find as those who must seek again find.

There will never be a truce for the brave (but the rest of the warrior for the 5, yes, and sometimes with excess).

More than the search for freedom, as we often see written in the works dealing with numerology, the subject touched by the vibration of the 5 will rather be in search of liberation, of freedom from banality, from mediocrity, sometimes to the point of taking immoderate risks.

The subject's "toolbox" in life path 5

Sharpness of mind, exuberance, charisma, seduction, combativeness, enthusiasm, courage, open-mindedness, originality, tireless curiosity, love of all that is original and unprecedented, distaste for all that is conventional or established, freedom of spirit, speech and action, refusal to accept the one way of thinking and conventions, the 5 disturbs the supporters of the established order, those who are submissive to the one way of thinking and to institutionalised propaganda

All the more so as the subject can become unstable, volatile, disrespectful, provocative, aggressive and unpredictable.

Obstacles and challenges for life path 5

The 5 must learn to manage his personal freedom by imposing limits dictated by respect for others, by the possible suffering of others. This is a tough challenge, and sometimes a very difficult goal to reach.

The subject must accept that he or she will not take a major interest in the many criticisms to which he or she is exposed, criticisms which may cause him or her all the more intense suffering because it is usually kept secret, or which may incite him or her to respond with violence, since the 5 is not a "candid" person. He knows how to defend his points of view and his positions.

Atypical or special topics in life path 5

The 5 life path can be that of spiritual therapists, healers, magnetizers, energeticists, caregivers who are passionate about new or esoteric practices, always for the greater good of their patients. For the 5 can be honest, especially with themselves, to the point of intransigence.

The 5 can also sometimes be a victim persecuted in his past childhood by a narcissistic pervert, a paedophile, an incestuous parent, a manipulative bully, and who finds in the excessive and openly manifested expression of unbridled sexual freedom the outlet, the exorcism to the curse of which he was victim. This pattern may be a manifestation of a trauma experienced in a past or present life.

The good side (harmonious expression) of life path 5

Originality, innovation, research and discovery, courage, intellectual honesty, commitment, sometimes to the point of sacrifice if the cause seems just, these are the beautiful contexts in which subjects in resonance with the vibration of the number 5 evolve.

And above all, the 5 will know how to take responsibility, he will be able to assume his choices without letting himself be influenced by manipulators and advisors who he knows are not the ones who pay. And if the consequences are harmful, if the price to be paid is excessive, if the bill is too high, the 5th will never shirk in the face of adversity, never will he make an innocent third party pay the bill.

The bad sides (disharmonious expression in lack or excess) fo life path 5

In excess, it is the defects of the qualities that will manifest themselves, stubbornness, aggressiveness, "desocialisation", some are ready to push the search for the new to the point of losing themselves, to the point of drowning in the swamps of the unknown, to the point of transgressing the rules governing the fight between good and evil, to the point of allowing themselves to be seduced by the beauty of the Devil.

Some 5's make their personal motto out of this line by Charles Baudelaire from the collection Les Fleurs du Mal, "Dive to the bottom of the abyss, Hell or Heaven, who cares, to the bottom of the unknown to find something new". As with the author of Paradis Artificiels, drugs, alcohol and sex can be tempting for a person who does not know how to impose the right limits on his passion for novelty and freedom.

In the absence of this, the 5 will remain in line, in monotony, content to follow the beaten track in all areas, gaining in security what he has lost in independence, originality and charm.

The 5th carries within it the keys to redemption, or perdition.


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Christophe Girardin Andreani, pictured here with His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and some of our students, trained as a dental surgeon. It was early in his medical studies that Christophe grasped the need for a more holistic and comprehensive approach to therapy. After decades of research, he became a professor of phytotherapy at the University of Paris 13, before founding his own school, Phytocorsa.

Particularly since his appointment as Lama Chime Rigzin Rinpoche in 2012 by the Venerable Khamdu Rinpoche at his temple in Dharamsala (Himaschal Pradesh state, northern India), Christophe has made Tibetan medicine a central element of his teaching.



Also known as Buddhist Numerology, Tibetan Karmic Numerology is an invaluable tool to help us understand the meaning of our existence through our dates and names of birth. 

Directly inherited from Tibetan spirituality, this numerology works on the basis of emptiness, karma and compassion. 

Reading our numerology theme helps us to understand the nature of our existence, to know our life mission and to find our Way. 

In other words, Buddhist Numerology is a precious time-saver for those seeking answers with the aim of personal and spiritual upliftment.



Also known as Buddhist Numerology, Tibetan Karmic Numerology is an invaluable tool to help us understand the meaning of our existence through our dates and names of birth. 

Directly inherited from Tibetan spirituality, this numerology works on the basis of emptiness, karma and compassion. 

Reading our numerology theme helps us to understand the nature of our existence, to know our life mission and to find our Way. 

In other words, Buddhist Numerology is a precious time-saver for those seeking answers with the aim of personal and spiritual upliftment.



  • Downloadable files in pdf format (370 illustrated pages containing instructions on how to create a theme using names and dates of birth, appendices, an example of a complete theme, FAQs)
  • The course without illustrations, easy to print
  • A self-administered quiz to check your knowledge.
  • A downloadable training certificate
  • A course in PDF format to learn Tibetan meditation practices.