Open to vast and sumptuous possibilities, with multiple and varied beauties, and which can rise very high above material contingencies.

What type of road was chosen by the subject in life path 9?

The most beautiful of the roads we have just seen, open to vast and sumptuous possibilities, with multiple and varied beauties, and which can rise very high above material contingencies.

For 9 is the 3 symbol of the divine expressed at the highest point by itself, 3 + 3 + 3, or 3 x 3, 3 to the power 2, the divine sublimated by itself.

The 9 is most often conscious of being above the fray, and must learn to come down from his pedestal, the 9 must learn to break his shell to better let others approach and benefit from his undeniable luminosity.

The 9 knows and feels magnificent, but this luminosity will only become clear light if he resigns himself to humility.

The 9 is dedicated to positive change and success, provided that it never turns its back on spirituality.

The subject's "toolbox" in life path 9

The 9 lands on earth with a bag full of beautiful tools, the qualities of heart abound, he is attentive to others, fine, sometimes talkative, elegant, subtle, delicate, considerate, cultivated, intuitive, endowed with an uncommon mental acuity, integrity to the point of excess, with, because of the richness of this bag, a tendency to withdraw into oneself, to introspection, to isolation, to utopia.

Obstacles and challenges for life path 9

The 9, like the 7, will have a hard time "finding the right shoe" and cohabitation with an unsuitable partner will be impossible. In the family circle, at work, or in relationships in the broadest sense, the sometimes distant behaviour of the 9 may lead one to believe, sometimes with good reason, that they are condescending.

Lost in the centre of a chessboard of which the 9 can be led to believe he is the master, the subject is exposed to the great risk of thinking himself above the laws and conveniences, notably on the emotional and sexual level. This feeling of impunity can lead the 9 to abuse, libertinism and perversion.

My past experience as a holistic therapist, i.e. concerned with going back to the roots of the pathology, has led me to meet a certain number of subjects suffering from what we call "anorexia", a very vague term designating a complex relationship with maternity, with femininity, with food, with life, with the difficulty of entering the world of reality, i.e. accepting to have a flesh body, a material body.

Many books have been written on the subject - whole libraries no doubt - without in many cases any help being given to this suffering of a being prey to the impossibility of accepting itself as an incarnated being.

Incarnation! For a therapist, integrating the etymological meaning of this word can be the beginning of the understanding of the intimate mechanisms of a pathology with suicidal, self- destructive tendencies, which can go as far as the negation of oneself, which can go as far as choosing, in an unconscious way certainly, to no longer feed a body until it disappears, until it dissolves into nothingness, as if getting rid of this ball and chain of heavy, low-vibration matter could allow one to free oneself from a prison-like, inhospitable universe, and to join a world of light, of purity, from which all suffering would be absent.

Working with patients suffering from anorexia, I have often had the impression of being in the presence of exiles, more often than not exiles, as it seems to me that this pathology is predominantly female, and I have sometimes felt the troubling presence of "angels lost on earth".

Incarnation! For Buddhists, this word simply designates the space of a life succeeding a previous life and which will have to be the premise of a following life, thus perpetuating a cycle called Samsara allowing the incarnated being to accumulate lessons and experiences until reaching the ultimate goal which is the cessation of suffering by the accession to the Awakening, to the state of Buddhahood

In the Bible, in the New Testament and more precisely in the prologue of the Gospel of St John, we can read this laconic but significant sentence: "The Word became flesh".

Incarnation, in the sense of universal spirituality, is a soul on an evolutionary journey that takes on a bodily garment of flesh in order to continue to learn, to experience new things, to free itself from possible karmas, to respond to challenges, in order to reach the ultimate goal of the definitive liberation from all suffering. Awakening.

For an already spiritually advanced being such as a 9, incarnation can be a great suffering in relation to the dichotomy of a high level of consciousness with the low vibrations of matter.

Let us imagine a subject who is obsessed with cleanliness and bodily hygiene and who spends a long time in his bathroom practising endless purifying ablutions and who finds himself, without having time to shout, dressed in the sordid and malodorous costume borrowed from a tramp who has not known the soap for years. Well, that's what incarnation is for a 9, and many of these subjects can't overcome this suffering to the point that some prefer to leave for a world of light. They will return until they accept the mission they have freely chosen. Whatever the cost.

Explaining to these subjects that their incarnation is not a punishment but a freely consented choice, in a logic of self-sacrifice in order to help the less advanced may be the therapeutic solution to their mal de vivre, accompanied by a great sense of pride which is totally legitimate.

It is in this sense that the enlightened practice of Tibetan Karmic Numerology can be salvific in the face of anorexia.

Atypical or special topics in life path 9

Some 9s may lock themselves into an attitude of chastity and reclusion, either because they are attracted by a spiritual elevation that they cannot find in the world of incarnation, or because trapped by their ego they cannot accept a world or a partner that is deemed unworthy and cannot find favour in their eyes.

The good side (harmonious expression) of life path 9

Great moral rigour, high standards for themselves, awareness of their sacred mission and self- confidence, generosity, intellectual capacity, commitment, responsibility, sometimes a deep sense of the Divine that inhabits and animates them.

The bad sides (disharmonious expression in lack or excess) fo life path 9

When the expression is in excess, the 9 can show a hint of pretentiousness, a superiority complex which rarely goes as far as arrogance, a lack of a sense of reality, a lack of anchoring, utopianism, exceptionally debauchery.

When the expression is lacking, the 9 can turn his back on spirituality and be content with a mediocre life, he will be materialistic and without ambition (very rarely so powerful is the vibration in 9).


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Christophe Girardin Andreani, pictured here with His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and some of our students, trained as a dental surgeon. It was early in his medical studies that Christophe grasped the need for a more holistic and comprehensive approach to therapy. After decades of research, he became a professor of phytotherapy at the University of Paris 13, before founding his own school, Phytocorsa.

Particularly since his appointment as Lama Chime Rigzin Rinpoche in 2012 by the Venerable Khamdu Rinpoche at his temple in Dharamsala (Himaschal Pradesh state, northern India), Christophe has made Tibetan medicine a central element of his teaching.



Also known as Buddhist Numerology, Tibetan Karmic Numerology is an invaluable tool to help us understand the meaning of our existence through our dates and names of birth. 

Directly inherited from Tibetan spirituality, this numerology works on the basis of emptiness, karma and compassion. 

Reading our numerology theme helps us to understand the nature of our existence, to know our life mission and to find our Way. 

In other words, Buddhist Numerology is a precious time-saver for those seeking answers with the aim of personal and spiritual upliftment.



Also known as Buddhist Numerology, Tibetan Karmic Numerology is an invaluable tool to help us understand the meaning of our existence through our dates and names of birth. 

Directly inherited from Tibetan spirituality, this numerology works on the basis of emptiness, karma and compassion. 

Reading our numerology theme helps us to understand the nature of our existence, to know our life mission and to find our Way. 

In other words, Buddhist Numerology is a precious time-saver for those seeking answers with the aim of personal and spiritual upliftment.



  • Downloadable files in pdf format (370 illustrated pages containing instructions on how to create a theme using names and dates of birth, appendices, an example of a complete theme, FAQs)
  • The course without illustrations, easy to print
  • A self-administered quiz to check your knowledge.
  • A downloadable training certificate
  • A course in PDF format to learn Tibetan meditation practices.